Happy Post: What a nice surprise!

May 07, 2022 22:10

Last August, a heron visited us, and decimated our little pond.

Not only did the feathery bastard eat all our poor fish (who had been part of our life for eight years), but to add insult to injury, he also punctured the pond lining. 😡  We just didn't have the heart to do anything with it then, so we just left it empty and derelict over the winter.

Last weekend, when I got back from Crossroads con, I got a fabulous surprise because Mr D had been busy over the weekend and, without telling me he was going to do this,  he's completely rebuilt and renovated our little pond again! 😍

We're just letting the water settle for a few weeks, then we'll be introducing a new generation of little wet scaly buddies again!! 🐟🐟

And some far more heavy-duty heron proofing!  If I could, I'd put 10,000 volts through the lanky sod!

Here's our newly-refurbished pond by day

And by night!

mr dizzo, happy post, happy dizzo

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