Well, it's taken over two years, but...

Apr 13, 2022 21:56

On Monday I finally tested positive for Covid!

It wasn't a shock, because Mr D had tested positive the previous Thursday and I had been testing every day since then to make sure it was safe for me to go to my con.  Mr D's positive test was the reason why I only stayed at the con for one night instead of three which had been the original plan.  I figured I was less likely to swing from negative to positive in one day than three.

But here we are, and I am now a fully-paid-up member of the Covid club!  Mr D and I have been fine on the whole.  I've had what feels like a moderately heavy head cold, but that seems to be mosty clearing up and I'm just left with a slight residual cough and a wobbly voice.

Mr D had a couple of days when he felt feverish and achey but that's long gone, and he's also just left with a slight residual cough.  That's the vaccinations doing their job I guess!

We're both working from home until we test negative again.  Mr D tested this morning and was still faintly positive. He's climbing the walls to get back to work!

Easter couldn't come at a better time - four days off to rest and recuperate (particularly with Easter eggs and hot cross buns - for medicinal purposes, of course) sounds pretty perfect to me!

So that's all the news from Dizzoland this week!  Hopefully I'll have a much better update soon.  In the meantime, take care and stay safe xxx

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