One Year on...

Apr 09, 2022 13:56

It's hard to think it's been one year since our beautiful JJ left us.  I still miss her and not a day will go by that I don't think of her.

But I know JJ wouldn't want today to be a day of sadness - there are so many happy, positive ways that we can remember her:

For instance:
Visit jj1564's journal and leave some love for her wonderful songspams and fics
Visit spn_on_parade and leave her little herberts some love
Donate to one of JJ's favourite charities: Greenpeace or Amnesty International
Or share one of your favourite JJ memories with us.

As for me, I'm just going to leave ths here... JJ's ultimate legacy; the world is so much better for having this picture in it!!

rip june, fandom friends

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