The Friday Five

Apr 07, 2022 22:36

Yes, I know it's Thursday, but I'm going to be out of circulation tomorrow.  Here's a set of questions from 1st April that caught my eye:

1. how did april fool's day start? non-serious answers only. Well, I suppose the fools in the world got sick of being ignored, so they decided to celebrate themselves if nobody else would!  Also, from a personal point of view, it started for me on the day that I was born :)

2. ever pranked anyone? Probably, at various times in the past, but to be honest I’ve never realy had much time for April fools jokes as I was too busy having a birthday!

3. what's something foolish you've done lately? A few weeks ago I went to visit my parents while my Dad was going into hospital, and like a complete numpty, I forgot my handbag and ended up spending five days without a wallet or phone… I had to make an emergency withdrawal from the bank of Mum and dad!

4. what's made you laugh this week? A birthday weekend away with my husband, lots of food, wine and laughter

5. what does april bring in your part of the world? Apart from my birthday, April is the beginning of spring, so it brings better weather (hopefully), lighter nights, and the first flowers and blossoms,  I think it’s fair to say April is one of my favourite months of the year.

friday five

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