Happy Post: finished - finally

Mar 25, 2022 20:58

So, back in February, I mentioned that I was doing a picture of my God-daughter, Amy, competing on her horse, Enzo.

This picture has dragged on so long, mainly due to everything else that's been going on in my life, both from a practical point of view wih me travelling here there and everywhere, but also from a mental point of view, because more often than not, my art inspiration switch has been well and truly set at the 'off' position for most of the last few weeks now.  And that's the main part of the reason it's taken so long, I've been dipping in and out of it when the muse has been awake, rather than trying to force it and produce something sub-standard.

But, I've finally finished it.  Amy is aware of the situation and has been just awesome, bearing with me, even though I missed her birthday (which was four days ago).

This will be going in the post to New Zealand next week.  I hope I've done Amy and Enzo justice :)

new zealand, happy post, artwork

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