A message from JJ1564

Mar 16, 2021 20:53

Some of you have probably noticed that our lovely miss jj1564 has been missing for a few days.  I had a chat with her this evening, and she has asked me to pass on the following message to all you lovely chums.

JJ has been unfortunately been a litle bit poorly for a few days, but she's taking it easy and getting all the care she needs.  On top of that, she's preparing for a house move which will be taking place around the 29th of March.  So it's all a bit crazy in JJ land at the moment.

She's missing you all, and will be back to bring you her usual helping of Dean Daily loveliness as soon as circumstances permit!

In the meantime, if any of you have any messages for JJ, post them here and I'll be sure to pass them on!

And in lieu of JJ's return, here's some Dean loveliness for you all from me!

extreme prettiness, dean, fangirl down, fandom friends

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