Snowflake Challenge - Day 14

Jan 30, 2021 17:38

Day 14: In your own space remix an existing work into a new media and/or rec three or more remixes that do the same. Leave a comment in this post saying that you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

I'm a regular participant in exchanges where you make art based on someone's fic, or vice-versa.

So here are two of my favourite collaborations. Note: all

Reversebang 2016

zara_zee 's brilliant fic, Shadows and Dust based on my original artwork

spn_bigpretzel Spring Fic Exchange 2019. 
twisted_slinky 's brilliant artwork for my fic, It's a Dog's Life.

And finally, for something completely different, here's a reimagining of a legendary scene from Supernatural through the medium of Pop Funko dolls...

For more fun with Funkos, visit 
spn_on_parade  This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

snowflake challenge

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