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metallidean_grl November 23 2020, 20:59:21 UTC
I love the points you made here. I hadn't thought about Dean dying standing up and how that is dignified. You are right in stating that had he been on the ground it would have been harder to film, for one, and then it would have been hard for Dean and Sam to look each other in the eyes. With them both standing they are able to look at each other and convey all the love they have for each other not only in words but in their eyes. They had such great communication with other without saying a word and with both standing they were also able to make that communication ( ... )


fufaraw November 23 2020, 21:16:41 UTC
I know it's lazy, but I'm really struggling to find words, so may I just point and nod to this comment? You said what I feel, too.


metallidean_grl November 23 2020, 21:31:17 UTC
Thanks. It really is hard to put into words our feelings for our beloved Dean. It's just too hard right now. You think you shed enough tears, but then they just fall and fall and fall. Dean is just one of those characters that is everything. We all loved him so.


dizzojay November 25 2020, 20:21:18 UTC
I've been doing my best to avoid all the negatives. I'm just at a loss as to what these people wanted; had they even watched the show?. I' sad about it all because I just want Jared and Jensen to be able to remember Sam and Dean's final outing with fondness and pride, not with the belief that they started world war three.

And I'm with you about being tenderhearted. The waterworks are all to close to the surface at the moment. :'(


metallidean_grl November 25 2020, 20:45:10 UTC
Lynn from Fangasm posted her review last night. I loved what she had to say and I agreed with everything. Some of her insights and things she said were exactly what I needed. I am now really more at peace with the finale and have more positive feelings about it than any negative ( ... )


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