Quarantine Photo Scavenger Hunt - Day 14

May 09, 2020 21:13

Memorabilia from an event outside

yourself (disguised enough that you're comfortable sharing the photo)
your favorite book (we won't tell any of the others you picked a favorite)
merchandise from a fandom (pick your definition of fandom--sports 100% qualify)
your exercise equipment
the view out a window

something alive
a meal
a letter/postcard from someone (feel free to redact)
something that keeps you sane
your computer

a useful tool
memorabilia from an event outside
wild card
a game you've been playing
a musical instrument

something someone made for you
a gift you're planning to give
an outfit you've worn recently (with or without you inside it)
something that makes you smile
the kitchen sink

something unexpected
something funny
a bad habit
a good habit
something you're proud of

I don't know if photos count as 'memorabilia', but in this case, let's assume they do!   My road held a great little 'socially distanced' street party yesterday to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day.  Our houses were all festooned with red, white and blue bunting, and looked very festive; and the weather was perfect.  We couldn't have asked for a better day.
There are about 15 houses in our little cul-de-sac and almost everyone joined in.  We had forties music and a barbecue on the go, and one of the households parked their car across the entrance to our street and blocked it off so that we could spread out properly and sit in the road without being distrubed.  (That's probably slightly illegal, but pah, who cares!)  XD

So, here are a few photos of a lovely day!

Our house all dressed for the occasion!
(And yes, sorry, the lawn is in dire need of mowing!)

Our patio table looking very festive ... regular followers of spn_on_parade will be familiar with Spit, my plushie Spitfire, who was star of the show!

quarantine scavenger hunt

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