Happy Post: GISH!!

Apr 26, 2020 22:12

So, the one-day Quarantine GISH is over, and between us, our team managed to complete 38 of the 54 items, and I'm very proud of that!

As usual, creativity, humiliation and thinking outside the box (actually, forget the box - what box?) was the order of the day.  I managed to complete five items (and took part in a sixth, team-based item), and so - here are my efforts:7

1. (Now's the time to dream big about the most adventurous place you can travel. Once we're back in the world, you can go there! Until then we can work on our manifestation skills: Photoshop yourself into a postcard at the most adventurous place you've never been that you would like to go - with someone you'd like to be there with (you can know them or not). Post it online tagged #WishIWereHere and #GISH.)

As amberdreams and I had been chatting about a week ago about a shared wish to go to Machu Picchu, this was too good an opportunity to miss!

2. Write a moving handwashing haiku. Post it above your bathroom sink

3. Remember Tom Hanks in "Castaway"? Remember Wilson the volleyball? Well, we're all going through something similar now. We're alone and WE ARE LOSING OUR MINDS. We've started talking to household objects. We've started dressing them up and giving them names. Show us your new quarantine  friend.

I called my trusty laptop into service for this one!

4. Each morning and evening there are thousands of essential workers driving down streets like yours going to and from jobs that keep us fed and healthy. Let's give them a show of support: thank essential workers with a message of art and appreciation towards them on your windows. Post your image to social media tagged #ThankYouEssentialWorkers and #GISH.

5. Springtime straw hats are overplayed. Show us the new hot trend: eco-friendly sun hats made from the weeds from your garden.

silliness, gishwhes, #thankyouessentialworkers, happy post, #wishiwerehere, #gish

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