Happy Post: Hello!

Feb 13, 2020 21:33

I've been at a work conference today.  I'm not going to talk about the conference because, well, work conference. *yawn*

The conference was in London, at the Barbican.  Now, partly because the undergound is hell in rush hour, and partly because I decided it would be nice to get some fresh air and exercise, I decided to walk from Waterloo station to the conference and back again. This was a round trip of about four miles.

It was a lovely walk that took me over Waterloo bridge, past the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, St Pauls, Smithfield Market, and the City of London, and always, walking through London was a joy!

Gorgeous dawn sunlight from the train

The Millenium Wheel from Waterloo Bridge - the Houses of Parliament in the background together with Big Ben, all covered in scaffolding while it undergoes huge renovations

Four hundred year old St Pauls Cathedral overlooked by the ultra-modern buildings of the City of London

My sexy walking shoes - they go so well with my business suit ;)

All in all, not a bad days work!!

In other news, I finished my young John picture yesterday.

I was planning to go to see my parents this weekend, but Storm Dennis (the bastard) has put paid to that idea,as it's very likely the ferries won't be running, and even if they were, the driving conditions would be horrific.  I spoke to my parents yesterday, and they've said outright tht they don't want me travelling at the weekend.  So, regrettably, I've ended up with a free weekend, maybe I'll get another art project on the go instead!

And that's about all the news from Dizzoland at the moment

facts about me, fan art, family, happy post, john

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