Happy Post: A brilliant day with brilliant people

Dec 01, 2019 22:10

Today was our annual hunter girl Christmas gathering in London.

Every year we do this, and normally we gather together seven or eight people to enjoy the Christmas festivities.  This year, somehow, we managed to gather 16 of us together, made up of the usual miscreants such as jj1564, amberdreams, xlittleangx, edina_clouds128, 999alena, theymp, heavenli24, andiivalo plus a couple of overseas lovelies (herminekurotowa I'm looking at you ( Read more... )

happy post, happy dizzo, hunter girls, fandom friends

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Comments 22

theymp December 1 2019, 22:20:31 UTC
It was wonderful to catch-up. Can’t wait to do it again, hopefully soon!


dizzojay December 6 2019, 21:55:49 UTC

I think we're aiming for Spring and I'm definitely up for that!


amberdreams December 1 2019, 22:22:41 UTC
'Twas an excellent Hunter Gathering!


dizzojay December 6 2019, 21:55:57 UTC
One of the best!


metallidean_grl December 1 2019, 22:52:22 UTC
How wonderful that so many of you live so close together and can do things like that. Looks like fun was had by all.


dizzojay December 6 2019, 21:56:53 UTC
We are very lucky in that respect. That's the beauty about living in a little country like England, that we all live within 2 hours of each other!


jj1564 December 1 2019, 23:14:47 UTC
Hee hee, I'm pleased you three ended the day in a mature and serious fashion! It was a wonderful get together, always lovely to see you and the others, and to meet Chris and Natalie too. xxx


dizzojay December 6 2019, 21:57:59 UTC
It was great that they came and enjoyed themselves so much. Mature and serious is always a theme at Hunter Girls' gatherings ... did I just say that out loud ?


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dizzojay December 6 2019, 21:58:10 UTC
We did, thank you!


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