Happy Post: Fathers' Day

Jun 16, 2019 22:31

So, as it's Father's Day here in the UK, I thought a little tribute to my Dad was in order.

My Dad was born in London in 1944.  After leaving school, he trained as a printer and worked on our national newspapers for many years.  It's from my Dad I get my love of Shakespeare, Cricket and inappropriate humour.

He's also a very talented artist, and it's 100% from him that I get my creative leanings, and my love of art.  He's given up his art now, and devotes himself to supporting me with my art business - I know that there's no way I could make it work without him!

I have woefully few photos of my Dad because he's a stubborn bugger (I get that from him too), and he hates having his photo taken, but I've managed to snag a couple that are on display in frames and albums around the house ...

Here he is (on the right) with my Mum and my Grandad (his Dad) on the morning of my Mum and Dad's ruby wedding anniversary (2007)

And at our Wedding.  Can't you just see how he loves having his photo taken!!!

My Dad and I have always been really close - yes, I'm a Daddy's girl.  We don't agree on everything - don't ever get us on politics or smoking - but either way, he's my Dad, my staunchest ally, and my hero!

Thanks Dad!

my dad, happy post

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