Taking Steps...

Feb 13, 2019 22:09

On Friday next week I, and about 60 of my colleagues, are doing a nighttime walk for charity.  Basically, it's a half marathon - 13.5 miles from Warwick Castle to Binswood Hall (which is a beautiful old ex-Abbey in Leamington Spa, and now forms the centre of one of the care villages that we run) via Kenilworth Castle. Setting off at 6 pm, we're aiming to finish at midnight.  We're doing it in aid of the hospital where a colleague who is fighting Leukaemia is being treated, (and - I'm glad to report - currently kicking this shitty illness' arse!)

I'm very lucky in that Lightwater, the village where I live, has a lovely country park - 160 acres of prime Surrey heathland which includes the highest pont in Lightwater. I've been doing 5 mile training walks around it over the last few weeks and I have a plan for a final 7.5 mile training walk on Sunday.

I've been in London at a work conference today, and I took the opportunity to get a couple of extra miles in by walking back from the conference venue to Waterloo station - almost exactly 2 miles.  It was a beautiful evening, and I never need an excuse to walk around London - the city that owns my heart!

I was wearing my sexy shoes for the walk ... they're SOOO comfortable!!!

I won't bore you with the train chaos after my walk which meant that my journey home which should have taken an hour actually took three hours!

Anyhoo, that's what's going on in Dizzoland at the moment.  If any of you feel like you might want to support us on our trek with a penny or two, you can do that here, and of course, I will appreciate enormously anything you can spare!

extreme prettiness, facts about me, fangirl down, happy dizzo, jensen

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