100 Days of Happiness - Day 93

Oct 29, 2018 20:50

On Saturday evening, I was out and about at a family party, my Aunt Sylvie's 80th birthday (she's my Mum's older sister).

I'm not really that close to my extended family (my Mum's one of six - three siblings and two half-siblings, so it gets VERY extended when you add in all the anklebiters), so I don't see a lot of them, and I never really look forward to these things, which is silly really, because I always enjoy them a lot more than I think I will!

This party was no different.  It's not that I don't love my family, because of course, I do.  I care about them, and I'm glad to know they're okay; It's simply that I don't have a lot in common with them, so I don't often seek out their company.  We normally average about one family party a year, and that's perfect for me.  I get to see them, exchange niceties without too much smalltalk, have a dance and a hug, then go our separate ways!

But whatever, it was nice to catch up with some members of the family that I haven't seen for a while, and some that I've seen very recenty ...

Here are the mugshots:

Me with my Mum (in the black and white top), with Jackie, her younger sister, and Jackie's husband, Chris.

With my Mum and cousin, Stacey (Jackie's daughter)

Three lovely sisters, My Mum, little sister Jackie and big sister, Sylvie - the birthday girl!
(The bloke in the picture is Steve, Sylvie's son-in-law)

And I got myself a new haircut for the occasion!

I have a BRILLIANT hairdresser.  I've been going to him for nearly twenty years, and he understands my hair far better than I do.  When I told him I had a family party, he really stepped up to the plate and made me feel like a million dollars...

In a good light, and with a bit of professional help, I don't scrub up too badly!!!

facts about me, family, happy dizzo

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