Least exciting post ever ... my day!

Apr 14, 2017 21:36

Well, at long bloody last it's Easter!  I get four days off, and so does Mr D.

It's been a mad few weeks at work.  For those of you who don't know, I'm a Payroll Manager - that means I pay peoples' wages - and April is a traditionally mad month for people like me because here in the UK it's the end of the tax year.  However, I did have a couple of days' annual leave at the beginning of the month, also it's Easter, that means we have two public holidays, and when I get back to work on Tuesday, someone with a laughably appalling sense of timing has arranged an all-day meeting.  So in short, adding into the mix the fact that this is my first tax year end at this job  'flying solo',  I have twice as much work to do this month, but I have six days less to do it in.  Yes, I know I could have 'not' had annual leave but I am never NOT going to try to have my birthday off work.  It's not my fault my parents timed my birth in the same week as tax year end! I suspect that wasn't foremost in their thoughts when ... never mind!

Anyhoo, the upshot of all that is that it's been a month of 8, 9, even 10 hour days, and I'm knackered!  Therefore, my plan for Easter is ... not to have a plan.

It's four days of sleeping in, and doing stuff that relaxes me.  So, that means arting!

This is a new picture I've started for Asylum 18.  I've been giving some thought to who to do next, and I decided on those lovely Hillywood Girls, as a thank you for their fantastic parody of our show.

So my first pic is Hillywood Castiel.  This is my progress so far:

Bazza was outside servicing a bike for one of his friends while I was in the hiuse, and busy drawing, so I played two of my favourite movies; The Dish and Shaun of the Dead.  In between times, I did managed tio squeeze in last night's episode of Supernatural too.

Later on, Mr D and I walked down to Randalls, the lovely coffee shop/wine bar in the village centre and ...

Well, now you can see why we love it so much!

So all in all, relaxing day ... mission accomplished!

happy dizzo

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