Seasons Greetings

Dec 26, 2011 19:47

In honour of this most festive of occasions, the boys address their fans, but one of them is finding it a bit difficult to enter into the holiday spirit.  Wishing you good health, good company and safe travels for this festive season and always.

Genre: humour/meta
Rating: K+
Word Count: 200
Warnings: little bit of sauciness
Disclaimer: I own nothing except for a Sam and Dean bauble on my Christmas Tree


"I'm Sam Winchester, and this is my brother, Dean. We're here to wish you all happy holidays."

*sullen silence*

"Say hello to the nice fanfiction writers, Dean."



"Dean; say hello!"

*Eye roll*

"Hello. Nice. Fan. Fiction. Writers ... there, satisfied?"



"Jus' don' see why I gotta wish happy holidays to a bunch of people who spend the whole year beatin' and humiliatin' me."

"I don't see the problem bro', you've paid good money for that sort of thing before."


"Yeah, well, you go ahead an' wish 'em happy holidays but tell 'em I don't wanna be in anyone's Christmas stockin', or under their friggin' tree and I don't wanna jump out of anyone's cake singin' Jingle Bells, oh, an' FYI; I especially don't wanna do any of those things NAKED!"

"Dean, just be nice," *looks around shiftily* "I don't think it's wise to antagonise them."


"Because one of them's writing us right now ... and she's been at the Pinot Grigio."


*Dizzo takes a sip; grins an evil grin ...*


"Uh Sam?"

"Yes dude."

"We're wearin' red satin thongs with white fur trim and sparkly mistletoe motif."

"Yes dude."

"An' nothing else."

"Yes dude."





supernatural, dean winchester, humiliating, fan fiction, sulky!dean, humour, sam winchester

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