7 Days of Self-Promotion - Day 2

Jun 08, 2014 13:20

The Days:
1. Something Old
2. Something new
3. Something you made for someone else
4. Something you made just for yourself
5. Something for a major fandom/pairing/character
6. Something for a minor fandom/pairing/character
7. Something you're just really proud of

So, day 2 of this meme calls for something new.  I've been trawling through my fanfic library to see what I've written recently, but on reflection, I've decided to go with artwork today.

You've probably all seen some or all of these pictures popping up on your friends feed at various times over the last four months, but for those who may not have seen them; I had been drawing some portraits of Supernatural characters, partly so I could take them with me to conventions to get signed by the actors, and partly just to see if I could actually still do it - I've tended to stick to drawing animals, and have hardly done any human pictures since leaving school (a depressingly long time ago!)

The pictures are all drawn in pastel on black ingres paper; they are a completely manual process - I don't have any drawing tablets or anything of that type - I wouldn't even know where to start!

I did these at various times and posted them as I went, but for the purposes of this particular post, I decided to put them into a collage because I thought they might look nice all displayed together.

So without further ado - I present Sam and Dean, surrounded by a little entourage of friends and enemies!

benny, trickster, fan art, kevin tran, crowley, meme-y stuff, castiel, self-promotion, dean winchester, bobby singer, sam winchester

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