Lots of things have made me happy today, and so I'm going to take this opportunity to share with you all the birthday loveliness I've received, and hand out lots of love for all these fabulous and scarily talented people who I am proud to count among my friends :)
A birthday treat to wake up to by
sasha_dragon Birthday deliciousness by
wings128 Yummy wishful thinking by
milly_gal Sweet birthday wishes by
999alena Relaxing boys and the pertest arse you'll ever see by
amber1960 see what I mean?
More unclothed yumminess by
tifaching Fab and funky birthday wishes by
metallidean_grl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJaIGi_b1cs a Dean Birthday celebration by Elisa, my lovely Facebook friend
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10234763/1/Dmitriy Bogdanov: Man in Tights ... Dean, ballet and very tight tights. need I say more? by Vanessa Sgroi
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10229682/1/Superheroby the lovely and talented MeAzrael
By my special Facebook Friend, Viv :)
A bit of Crowley love by Dana, another Facebook friend
And we mustn't forget Castiel, my dear Facebook friend, Wendy, didn't!
I hope I've collected all the birthday deliciousness I've had today, but If I've missed anything, it's not because I didn't appreciate it, it's because I'm a twit. In that case, I'll post anything I've forgotten later on.
Almost makes me wish I could have a birthday every day, except that I'd be sixteen thousand seven hundred and ninety years old now!