It seems like an age since I posted a drabble here, well it is an age - amazingly it's been two months since I even wrote one!
But Summergen gave my wilted writing muscles a little stretch, and then the Olympics gave me a little bit of much-needed inspiration, and ta-dah...
This was the result:
Challenge words: hide and fun.
Dean's less than impressed about certain aspects of the Olympics - like, the sports bit.
Word Count: 200
No warnings applicable
"Hey Dean?"
"I've really enjoyed watching the Olympics. Doesn't it make you feel inspired?"
"Inspired to do what?"
"Well, to take up a sport, to win a medal for your country."
"Aw, c'mon Dean, imagine crossing the line after a long race, and then being adored by the whole country when you're awarded the gold medal. That would be so awesome."
"No Sam, it wouldn't. I don't want to run, I don't want to sweat, I don't want aching joints, raw hide round my nethers, joggers nipple, or blisters. Medal or no medal, that's not my idea of fun."
"Well, if not running, what about jumping?"
"Throwing stuff?"
"Only if it's at people I don't like."
"What did I say about raw hide round my nethers? No thanks Sam."
"Only if I can choose my opponent."
"Anything heavier than Mad Malc's two-pound mega burger, I'm not interested."
"Really, Sam?"
"Horseback riding?"
"Raw hide … nethers, Sam. Why is this a difficult concept for you to understand?"
"I'm trying not to think about it Dean. Okay, what about wrestling?"
"Nah, did that when I was young - too sweaty, too many hands in too many places where you don't want hands."
"Okay, trying not to think of that either…"
"Me too Sammy, me too."
"Okay, here's one, what about shooting. You'd be good at that."
"Ah, now you're talking, I'd win the gold every time! Just line those fuglies up and let me at 'em."
"No Dean, it's only target shooting."
"What, just targets? No scumbags or skanks?"
"Well, of course not Dean, they don't ship in a buttload of werewolves for the competitors to unload on, they just shoot targets!"
"Seriously? And they actually give people a medal for that? Pfft!"