Snowflake Challenge - Day 11

Jan 21, 2024 20:21

Day 11 - In your own space, create a fanwork.

I haven’t had time over the last few days to create anything new apart from my little Dean Winchester figure that you’ve already seen.  But here’s a Supernatural-themed drabble (alright, triple drabble) that I wrote last week!


Summary: there’s a bird in the bunker, and for once Dean doesn't want to cook it and eat it!


"Hey Sam, look what I found perched on top of the Impala on my way back from the store?"

"A parrot?"

"Yeah, he's cool, ain't he, I called to him and he hopped onto my arm, so I decided to bring him home. I'm calling him Jack. Jack, cause' Jack Sparrow. Hes a pirate… pirates have parrots… geddit?"

"Dean, you can't keep him."

"Why not?"

"Well, he obviously belongs to someone else - parrots don't live in the wild here. Someone's probably frantic with worry over him."


"Yeah, but nothing. We've got to find his real home."

*sigh*. "Okay, but I'm keeping him here until we find his owners. He can stay in my room."




"DEAN! I found Jack's owner. I've posted about him every day on every online lost pet forum I could find, and finally someone's responded."


"Yeah, Her name's Edna Jenkins, she lives over in Phillipsburg. Poor thing, she's an eighty-three year old widow and Jack's been her pet for nearly thirty years, although his real name is Peter, and he originally belonged to her late husband."

"An eighty-three year old widow?"

"Yeah, I said we'd take Jack home to her tomorrow. She's so happy - she said everyone at her church has been praying for his safe return every day."

"She's a churchgoer?"

"Yes, she seems like a very sweet old lady."

"Ah, OK."

"What's wrong Dean? She's devoted to Jack, and he probably misses her."

"It's just that in the time we've had him, I've talked to Jack a lot. I didn't want to think of him being lonely, and it's fun to talk to parrots because they learn stuff and talk to you too."

"Yeah… and…?"

"Well, see for yourself Sam. Hey Jack?"


"DEAN! You didn't teach the goddamn parrot to swear?"

"Well, on the plus side, if she's as sweet and innocent as you think, she might not know what most of those words mean!"



snowflake challenge

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