Snowflake Challenge - day 3

Jan 05, 2024 18:18

Day 3. Create a wish list of fandom things (podfic, graphics, playlists, canon recs translations, research help, vids, sky's the limit!) that you'd like to receive.

I'd be thrilled to receive banners for any of my stories if anyone's in the mood to do a bit of artwork

I'd love gen Dean-centric plot bunnies, particularly for H/c, humour or cracky ideas

I'd love to receive any recs for good long Jensen-centric J2 stories, particularly ones with a good dollop of hurt/comfort and/or relationship building. Humour is cool, and always appreciated too.  Along the lines of The Play Nice Proviso or Just One Breath (in case there's just one left).  Gen or Slash, I don't mind.

Now that I'm working form home three days a week, I spend a lot of time on Youtube, and I'm always looking for good stuff to listen to. I'm only just discovering the world of podcasts via Youtube, but if  If anyone knows any good sources of podfics, particularly J2 slash, then I would love to know! 

snowflake challenge

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