Fanfiction review of 2023

Dec 30, 2023 16:58

I've got to say that thi year, my fanfic inspiration has dropped off a cliff.  That makes me a little bit sad, but it's also a good place to be to encourage me to get my mojo back next year.

However, that said, I still managed to write 31 drabbles/double drabbles and two one-shots, so it's not all bad news!

I haven't shared any of them here, so just for fun, here are a few of my favourites over at  None are more than T rating.

UNDER THE THUMB (Baby-centric)

TRUST IS FRAGILE (Dean-centric)

BEAST OF BURDEN (Dean-centric)

NIGHT TERRORS (Dean-centric)

I hope you enjoy!!!

fan fiction

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