The increasingly inappropriately named Nablopomo - Day 25

Dec 10, 2023 15:40

Day 25 -  It's officially one month till Christmas! Post your favorite holiday song.

Um, it's actually not one month before Christmas - because I'm falling behind it's now two weeks before Christmas!   But anyhow...

One of my favourite holiday songs is this song By Greg Lake, 'I believe in Father Christmas' from 1974.  I like it because if you listen to the lyrics, it's condemning the rampant commercialism of Christmas, and I like the fact that it has a message, albeit a slightly cynical one, that's different to all the other Christmas songs that just sing about snowmen, elves and babies in mangers!

I also love the arrangement.  This has to be one of the most covered Christmas songs but, for me, none of the covers can compare to thie original!

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