Eye update!

Oct 17, 2023 20:28

Last week I went for my third follow-up appointment following my surgery back in July.  I was really hoping that I'd be discharged and then that would be it, no more hospital appointments.

Alas it was not to be!

The doctors were really happy with my right eye, the eye that was operated on.  It's healing well, the macular hole has closed and remained closed and my vision has improved enormously.  But...

(There's always a but!)

Now the scans have shown early signs of the physical conditions which can cause a macular hole in my left eye.  Not devastating, but not great either!

The thing is, this may lead to a macular hole, or it may not.  If it does lead to a macular hole, it might be tomorrow, or it might be in ten years.  So it looks like I'm now on a three monthly monitoring programme for, well, the rest of my life, or until I get another macular hole.

At least this time I'll know what's going on and I'm in the system so I can get it sorted quickly.  And, of course, I was warned right from the outset that having a macular hole means that you are at increased risk of getting one in the other eye, so although it's a bit pants, it's by no means a shock.

But hey ho, such is life.  In the grand scheme of things, this isn't so bad - as long as I can still look at this gorgeous bugger, then all's well in the world!! :D

extreme prettiness, dean winchester, facts about me, fangirl down, jensen

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