Weirdy McWeirdass!

May 29, 2023 20:55

Some of you may have seen this on my Fb page today:

A while back, I mentioned here at my journal that in January I was diagnosed with a condition called a Macular Hole which affects the eyesight in my right eye and I'm currently waiting for a date for surgery to (hopefully) fix it.

Some people have asked me how this thing affects my eyesight, and it's hard to to explain - I've described it as water spiralling down a drain  on the focal point of my right eye.

Yesterday, while I was googling some information about the recovery period for the op, I came across this picture which illustrates perfectly what I see when my left eye isn't compensating for the weakness,

This picture looks like it's depicting a much bigger hole than I have in my Macula, but it still looks very famiiar - and really quite trippy!!

facts about me, not supernatural

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