The Friday Five

May 26, 2023 19:19

This latest set of questions caught my eye. I haven't done this for a while, so here goes!

1. What is your full name? rather not say

2. If you could, would you change part of your name? To what? Not now in my fifties, I’m just used to my name now.  I neither like nor dislike it, it just is.  My name is a pretty safe, ordinary name, and is very sixties/seventies but at the end of the day, my parents chose it, so that’s got to stand for something!

3. Favourite girl's name? I used to go to school with a girl called Frith, which is a name meaning peace and tranquility.  I always thought it was so unique, without being tacky, and I thought it was such a beautiful name, I vowed that if I had ever had children and ended up with a daughter, she would have that name, either as first or middle name.

4. Favourite boy's name? I’m a great advocate of strong, simple names for boys.  William and James are two of my favourites

5. Would you name your child after a character in a book or movie? Nothing too outlandinsh or specific.  I’d never call a child Frodo or Severus or anything like that.  That’s a surefire way of making their school life hell!

friday five

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