So that was Jus in Bello!

Mar 02, 2023 20:58

This one was a long time coming!

Originally planned for May 2020, the pass was booked in Summer 2019.  Five times postponed, there were times when all of us thought that it would never happen.  But thanks to the perseverence of Daniela and the JIB team, it did.

There were a couple of last minute cancellations - Karl Urban was due to be there, but had to cry off, and Tom Ellis too, but Daniela managed to secure a couple late replacements, including Drake Rodgers and Jojo Fleites from 'The Winchesters'.

A few of us flew in a day early so that we could get a headstart on the socialising, and so on our first full day, four of us headed off to Ostia which is a ruined city which used to be Rome's main port.  It was great wandering around and having a leisurely catch up before the madness of the next few days began!

The convention itself began on Thursday with JIBLand, the multi-fandom segment of JIB, and that was the day we first met Drake and Jojo.  They quickly established themselves as two convention darlings, and have certainly made me want to go back and rewatch the Winchesters (I'm up to episode 6).  Also on the first day we had the return of Ricky Whittle from American Gods, Alexander Vlahos from Versailles and David Ramsay from Arrow.  We also knew that Ricky Whittle was a bit of a nutter who adores JIB, but paired with Alexander, who takes being a nutter to a whole new level, their panels were absolute hilarious bedlam.

Here are my Mugshots from the first couple of days

The first couple of JIBland days have always been nice because it feels like you're being eased into the whole event.  Compared to the weekend madness after J2M turn up, these days are positively languid.  By Friday morning, the buzz had begun to build - 'Jared and Jensen are on their way... Jensen's tweeted from the plane...'  Then by Friday night we had the news that they'd landed in Rome.  We all kept everything crossed, given Jared's dreadful run of luck with JIB attendance, that he managed to get from the airport to his hotel in one piece!

On Saturday morning, the panel hall was full to bursting and the huge cheer went up when the guests appeared on stage, complete with J2M in matching Gucci jackets bought for them by Daniela.  Notwithstanding the fact that the three of them looked like an expensive set of matching luggage (it was generally accepted that the jackets were not a big hit with attendees), it was beyond wonderful to see the three of them, and they did not disappoint.  With his wingman back by his side, Jensen was in great form, and all they all raised the roof.

Here's my trio shot, where I'm almost lost in a sea of beige gorgeousness!

It did not go unnoticed that by the afternoon Jensen had started wearing his jacket reversed with the dark blue interior on the outside!

I also had a shot with the lovely Adam on Saturday too, another convention darling!

On Sunday, I had two double photo ops with J2 and Jensen and Misha.  After the 'luggage' situation of the previous day, I walked into the room this morning to see Jared looking cool in black leather and Jensen dressed in the most stunningly gorgeous black three-quarter-length slim fitted coat (think teddy boy style), I nearly spontaneously ovulated on the spot!  Not bad for a post-menopausal woman...

The boys were lovely in their photo ops on Sunday and I got the most gorgeous squishy hug on with J2 *sigh*

Of course, as well as the photos, there were also the autos, and so here are my autograph pics

Signed artwork for Ricky Whittle

Signed artwork for Matt Cohen - this one's been kicking around sinceearly 2019!

They both liked their pictures.

I got J2 to sign a page in my colouring book:

And I got the rest of the guests autographs on a sheet that I made up with scans of all their artwork:

So, all in all, it was wonderful to be back in beautiful Roma, and this was a fabulous convention, especially as it was one we had all started to think might never happen.  But, of course, conventions are as much about friends as they are about guests:

So thank you to amberdreams, heavenli24, dean_hugs_sammy, herminekurotowa, stellamira, Wendy, Lone, Chris, Natalie and Felix.  It was awesome sharing this great experience with you all.

When people ask me 'why do you keep going back and doing the same thing over and over again?'

This, right here, is why.

supernatural, misha, fangirl down, fandom friends, jus in bello, rome, jared, happy dizzo, jensen

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