Apr 08, 2004 03:08
Today was probably one of the best days I've had in a while. Vicky, Elizabeth, and I went down to the Mall to see the Natural History Museum. It was loads of fun seeing all the fossils and jenk. They had a baseball exhibit there that was completely awesome. Oh how baseball rocks my face off. It was mad fun. Then we found some cherry blossom trees next to the Washington Monument and climbed up and just hung out and talked. It was a really nice time and we got to talk which is something I havent done much of with anyone lately. Glad I finally had the chance to get out and about in the city. Tonight wasn't half bad either. Had small group and we went to this pro-life discussion. California was there too . . . so . . . bonus points. Then I hung out with Lib a Dib.
Now the negatives . . . So now I have a cold and a paper due before Friday. My shoulder hurt worse today than it has since I hurt it. I kinda feel like I'm here, but not really all here. Very shellshocked. I've really been that way all semester. Ah well . . . I'm sure this weekend home will help with that.
Things will improve . . . Only 2 days til I get to see the beach . . . Awesome times!