Dec 04, 2010 08:41
i had a dream that i drove from orlando to meet anne, as she had just flown into the states. she was excited about going to dinner someplace, and when i asked where, she said, "miami?!" i was taken aback, not enjoying the thought of driving 5 hours for a meal. i was confused also how a person who had just spent a lot of time flying overseas would want to commit to a small-scale road trip. so i asked, "where else would you like to eat?"
for some reason she said, "boston market," to which i replied exactly this:
"for a vegetarian, going to boston market is like paying to go to thanksgiving: you can only eat sides."
there were other parts of the dream that i can't completely recall. we went to somebody's apartment and started changing our clothes while either a devious party or a horror movie commenced in the next room.
i rested well last night, but it's cold today and i'm still not feeling 100%... as is obvious from the frequent posts. when it's cold, i simply want to hibernate. i was marveling about people living in cool climates and jarred said something like, "put on a jacket and shoes, and it's nice outside!" well, i guess that's my problem. i don't have a jacket! is that floridian, or what? i also lack decent winter shoes. all i have, really, are loafers and athletic shoes. yes, how floridian AND lesbian of me.
on that note, i've pretty much stopped wearing heels completely. when in a store i'll definitely try some on for fun, but i have to say that over the course of the last 2 years (dating a man that is shorter than me + becoming more conscious about what's good for my body) i've become acutely aware that high heels= bullshit. seriously! when i see a woman clicking or clacking around in heels, i just feel sorry for her. doesn't she know how uncomfortable she looks? isn't she aware that the patriarchy wins by keeping her bound in "beauty?" has she ever heard of hammer toes, bunions, and broken blood vessels? does she realize that walking around on stilts decreases the area of foot traction and easily results in falling and busting your knees, palms, and face? i wore heels for a good several years and i know all of this to be a definite reality. i have the broken veins to prove it! i even fell down an entire flight of stairs once (sober) and seriously damaged the connective tissue in my right foot! why? because i was wearing an adorable pair of heels!
i think, mostly, the thing about people in heels is that one really obvious fact: they are torturing themselves because somebody told them that it looks good! and who told them it looks good? mass media whose only purpose is to sell, or the people who pay attention to it! i dunno, man. a good pair of heels can be fun for occasions, but i'll take my flats and earth sandals any day of the week.
then again, i'm the kind of girl who's happy not shaving her armpits for three years. and wearing makeup, like, never. and guess what, patriarchy? i still have a boyfriend.
the patriarchy,