Animal Liberation Prisoner Faces New State Charges
WATERTOWN (AP)- A man convicted in federal court in Wisconsin for releasing mink from fur farms in three states now faces state charges in Watertown.
Peter Daniel Young is charged in the release of hundreds of mink from the Turbak Mink Ranch near Kranzburg in 1997, Codington County State's Attorney Vince Foley said.
Young was indicted in 1998 on federal charges for releasing mink at farms in South Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin. After being a fugitive for several years, he pleaded guilty in a plea bargain to federal charges of animal enterprise terrorism and was sentenced to two years in prison.
Federal investigators said they believe Young is connected with the Animal Liberation Front, a radical group that has attempted to destroy animal-related industries that it considers inhumane.
Foley said the state charges of third degree burglary, intentional damage to property and animal enterprise trespass were filed against Young after discussions with the state attorney general's office and the owners of the now-defunct mink ranch.
"We feel that the federal charges don't fit the severity of what happened in South Dakota," Foley said. "The charges in South Dakota apply only to the incident in South Dakota. In South Dakota, we take this type of interference seriously."
Foley said there are still a few roadblocks before Young would answer to the charges in South Dakota, chief among those is extradition
"We will be in discussion with federal authorities on extradition," Foley said, adding he isn't sure how long that process will take.
Foley said a six-year statute of limitations for the 1997 crimes did not apply during the time Young was considered a fugitive.
As to the possibility of the new charges being considered "double jeopardy," Foley said that could be a concern.
5 Ways You Can Help Peter!
1: Donate to Peter's Legal Defense!
You can send money through
PayPal just click the "Make a Donation" box.
Send a check payable to "Peter Young Defense Fund":
Peter Young Support Fund
740A 14th St. ..237
San Francisco, CA 94114
2: Organize a Benefit Event for Peter
Have a vegan bake sale, put on a show, make T-shirts, buttons.... anything you do is greatly appreciated. Lawyers are very expensive.
3: Write Him a Letter!
Jail is very lonely. One letter can brighten Peter's day. Take a few minutes to send him a note or send him an
email or even a
myspace message [emails and messages are printed and sent everyday].
4: Each One Teach One
Tell everyone about Peter Young! Tell your friends, family, local newspaper... the more people who learn about his case and about animal liberation the better.
5: Court Room Support
WHEN Peter appears in court to battle these outrageous state charges it is important we fill the courthouse. It would make Peter happy to see all his new friends and it will show the judge and the media we support him.