It's kind of an amazing thing when you find your Doctor.

Apr 13, 2010 02:52

Right. So Doctor Who.

I've always been fairly familiar with the mythology and basic story.

I've watched some of the Tom Baker serials with Andrew, bought him a scarf for his birthday. It was pretty epic.

I've recently decided to actually attempt to really get into it, thank goodness for streaming Netflix.

I steamed through Nine pretty quickly, and he was fantastic and all.

Ten, I find rather enjoyable, and am about halfway through his first season, and of course have every intention of catching up in time, although am not watching nearly as quickly.

But, y'know... new Doctor, I kinda wanted to get in on the ground floor and not continue to lag behind while the Whovians on my various lists get the joy...

So I've mainlined the first two Matt Smith episodes tonight along with tyriangalley, and having just finished...

And oh my God the immense squee that Eleven has engendered in me... I cannot even begin to describe it.

Just... Wow. I can't even begin to describe my... effervescent glee.

I... actually have a Doctor.



This entry was originally posted at my Dreamwidth. Comment here or there, either's fine by me! :D

squee, doctor who, fandom, eleven

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