Aug 10, 2004 00:10
Has neone ever had any signs or nething that tell you, ur suppose to be with a certain person?
Ive been thinking a lot bout little signs and stuff that always lead to an event or relationship...and all day there were just little things happening that made me think a lot about a certain someone.
And it sux because im sick of him always being in the way of something or someone new in my life. I cant stand it nemore. Im sick of him. I want something new.
Walked 3.5 miles this morning with Meg
got ready, went and saw Little Black Book (the whole fuckin movie was a sign)
Went to the mall. Tried to avoid a certian someone, went to Lazuras. If course He was there.
Tried one some dresses. They wanted to see me in them
So wen i walked out with one of them one. He has the SAME one around his neck..wat the hell?
Cant he just stay out of my life.
Came home..watched 13 going on 30..amazing movie. I cried..a lotish
Now i cant stop thinking. If we both cant get away from eachother..does that mean we r ment to be? Or that we just havent found neone better yet?
Sooo confusing.