of Mainly TV relatedness

Apr 20, 2008 23:22

Hulu will be the death of me. XD I just found out that they have all of season one of Babylon 5 to watch. Talk about nostalgia. XD So I'll probably be marathoning that this week since I caught up with all of the soaps (yay). I should be forcing myself to catch up on the last 4-5 eps of Smallville but I haven't been able to do it. Just the thought that Sam's back for an ep kills me. My friend is also bugging me to catch up on BSG but that's like nearly 2 seasons worth of eps to catch up on. I guess I just don't want somethinig so heavy handed to watch. Now if DS9 gets on Hulu, I dunno how I'll ever get things done... haha.

Other TV news, I swear if Eli Stone doesn't come back for a second season (along with New Amsterdamn and hopefully Chuck & Reaper), I may have to swear off tv forever (save for when pushing daisies comes back) cause... Wow. It's just a fantastic and uplifting show (even though they destroyed our beloved Golden Gate Bridge XD). It's great to have a drama with humor and positive thoughts.

Can't seem to get anything creative done of late. Or do anything other than play casual games. My mind's been wracking on trying to figure out an angsty but believable plot bunny for a Booth/Brennan (Bones Tv) fic. Speaking of Bones... Personality quiz under the cut! *hee* Nothing else new on the personal front. Just gotta do things day to day....

Oh! Signed up for summer classes. =D Gonna be doing a Gym Circuit thingy and having a go again at the Women's Health class. So hopefully this summer, I'll slim down a teeny bit. =3 Okies that's enough from me for now.

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fandom: bones, fandom: smallville, fandom: !meme, personal: daily, media: tv

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