Holiday Cards Anyone?

Dec 05, 2007 12:41

Because I'm such a last minute gal, and cause I feel bad for signing up with practically anyone who offered holiday cards (hopefully i didn't miss anyone), I'm offering up to anyone who would like a card from me.

It will most likely be Christmas/Holiday themed but there's a chance you'll get it afterwards. ^^;; If your birthday is this or next month, let me know so i can wish you happy birthday. =D

So comment with your name and addy, if you would like a drabble/drawble then also leave series name, character/pairing (no snarry or teacher/student please) and prompt! It doesn't have to be Harry Potter, and I know quite a bit of different fandoms so ask away!

All comments are screened of course. ^_^

personal: holidays, personal: friends

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