Random Meme Time: Scategories!

Mar 23, 2007 00:44

Your Name: Diana Moon
Famous Music artist/group: Dandy Warhols
3 letter word: Don
Color: Dark Green
Gift/present: DVDs
Vehicle: Dodge Malibu
TV Show: Dresden Files
Country: Denmark
Boy's Name: Daniel
Girl's Name: Dorothy
Alcoholic drink: Daiquiri
Occupation: Dancer
Flower: Dandelions
Celebrity: David Duchoveny
Food: Donuts
Something found in a kitchen: Dinner Plates
Reason for Being Late: Didn't set the alarm
Something You Shout: DUDE!

On an unrelated note...I may be pushing them away if I don't show up tomorrow but... I'm tired of everything being okay cause it's not. I'd rather be home plotting more snupin bunnies than being out with them.

An explosion (hopefully) of writing should be showing up soon. =3 And maybe a drawing or two that may not be related to HP. *gasp!* I tag the above meme to my flist friends that I haven't chatted with in a bit. XD Will be doing another meme tomorrow so be warned! ^_^

other: random, fandom: !meme

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