(no subject)

Mar 13, 2007 08:46

Yes I know... I said I was back and for two months I don't write anything. Sorry about that. I've been wanting the first entry of the year to contain all the projects I let slip by me last year so I wouldn't have to feel guilty about them not getting to their respective giftees.

I'm still working on that but I've decided to just go ahead and write whenever I feel the need to and slowly get back into the communities that I used to be active in.

It'll still be a while before I begin posting writing-related entries, either with new stories or poems or fanfiction, so for the people who friended me b/c of that, I hope you can be a bit more patient.

I just wanna get back into the swing of things so I'll start easily with your standard inane thought of the day posts. Or ones relating to frustrations that is working at "iSold It" on Ebay.

I haven't checked my flist at all so sorry! If there's anything major that you've done, please comment and link me to your post! ^_^ I wanna know that everyone's doing super and enjoying their life.

As for me? Life is okay. I'm not doing too well in classes so I'll prolly be stuck in comm college for a bit longer than I hoped. =/ But any energy I have goes to work and I barely have anything else to just relax. My days lately is just me anticipating the next chance I'll have to hang out with my high school buddies or hoping that my other friends will call me up and act like they want to be my friends still. It's sad that I look forward to stuff weeks in advance (like going to a friend's house, or D-land), and I only live day by day.

I'm slowly (like saying that word lately XD) getting back into the Snupin community so I'm really happy about that. They tend to help my creative juices a lot. =D Been hanging out in their chatroom pretty much talking to anyone that comes by.

Gotta head to work now, so hopefully tonight I'll something worth reading to write about.

other: ebay, personal: rambling, personal: school, personal: daily, !personal

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