Sep 14, 2005 20:54
First things first, stress is teh evil. Try not to get stressed out as it's bad and causes you to do things you wouldn't never do if you were sane of mind.
Second things second(haha), so I've finally made some new LJ friends since I made an effort to basically pimp my journal. XD So yes more people exposed to my ramblings! ^_^ Will do my best to comment when I can.
Belated Happy B-day to Mar, the last of my friends (i believe) to turn 21, heheh. Had a good talk with her so hopefully everything's copacetic now. Still need to fix one other RL friend related problem and I'll hopefully get to that soon.
But yes, the drinking! So we (we being the Z and I) took Mar to a club in the Castro as my friend was bartending that night. She had a couple a drinks, I had three and Z did her best to get Mar dancing *snort*. Plus we got to play one official round of pool. I think I'm finally getting the hand of handling the stick, heheh. I had fun and hoped the other two did too. Incase anyone's wondering what drinks I had: MoFo, half a Hawaiian Hooker (recced to us XD), a Hurricane (very nice), and a modified Stewie Snack. Yesh I'm bad, I mixed my drinks but I didn't even get buzzed. It's not like I drink often, mostly when it's someone's b-day lol.
Today was okay, cold as frick tho. Had second Japanese 3 quiz and I'm afraid it may not have gotten better than the previous one. Maybe after this my close classmates will want to have more study sessions. Also got invited to do an X-men RPG at GJ so I'll guess I'll try that out. In theory I'll be playing Gambit. =D First time I'll be RPing as a guy so should be interesting. Still would love to try an HP one (either as a Snarky Snape or Helpful Hermione (with as little Ron-snogging as possible XP) or fantasy or an anime one. *shrugs*
BTW, next post will be yet another writing contest entry via GaiaOnline. And then after that an HP fic related post...
personal: school,
personal: daily,
fandom: !rp,
personal: friends,