Big Belated Drabble/Ficlet Post 'o Dooom!

Dec 07, 2008 02:40

Just to be a bit saner on meself, here's all the belated owed drabbles I've promised people that I've never gotten around to posting before. Sorry about that! ^^;; It's mostly HP, and mostly snupin. But please look over and maybe there'll be one that piques your interest. =D None of these have been beta'd but I did my very best to try and spot out anything wonky.

For chazpure
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character/Pairing: Snupin (Moony)
Notes: Belated congratulatory drabble to you tying the knot! ^_^ Implied naughtiness.As yours is the shortest of the bunch, feel free to prompt me again.XD

It was an arduous task, enjoying a bubble bath with a human. But Moony yet had found a way to have one any other way. Though he trained his mate well into guessing accurately his needs and wants, he still hadn’t figured a way to enjoy the bath alone.
Not that he didn’t enjoy spending time with Severus, but the term “lone wolf” did once come from truth. Wanted a soak in scented bubbles, not a scrubbing from head to tail and hey, Severus’ hands shouldn’t be down there...
Maybe sharing a bubble bath wasn’t so bad after all.

For kirasha
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character/Pairing: Snupin
Notes: Almost a double drabble as a belated bday gift. XD

By the time Remus arrived, the bonfire rose high into the sky. With it being a new moon, there were no other light sources for miles around. the darkness was creeping in, little by little. It was comforting, to feel the fire's radiance against his skin. Wizards and muggles alike were around, mingling and celebrating a new start. The war finally over, it's all Remus wanted, needed. He let the distant music and flickering flames move his body. He didn't jump when he felt arms slide around his waist to move along to the rythm. A name ghosted his lips but he dared not say it aloud, for fear he’d be wrong. But he wasn’t.


His name was said with such gentleness, Remus almost couldn’t believe it. He leaned back against the body, the arms holding him. Severus was alive, and found him. That’s all that mattered now. He turned his head to say something but he was soon caught in a kiss, awkward and tentative.

Their first kiss in a new era, and it surely wouldn’t be their last.

For samantha-vimes
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character/Pairing: Sinistra, Severus
Notes: During DH. I'm pretty positive I once promised you a birthday drabble, many a moons ago. XD If not, well... you get a drabble ficlet anyhow! =D It uh, kinda got away from me at 440 words.

Aurora sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. It was already late but she wanted to be their for her students. Under the pretense of extra lessons, she had kept her office open well past dinner time. She wanted to give the students a safe place to be, an authority figure to trust, but only a few took the opportunity that night to stop by.

She mulled over the past few months as she locked up her office for the night. It had been more hellish than she could ever believe, even if the stars had told her so. The Carrows were monstrous in everything they did or touched. And the Headmaster...She shook her head and turned towards the stairwell. He never lifted a finger to stop them. That was what had hurt the most.

When he used to be Severus, Head of Slytherin, he may have been stand offish and cold, but he never would let a student harm another purposefully. Even if she disagreed with some of his views, she had always admired the way he stood up for them, voicing whenever he had the chance. Of course there also were the small conversations she would have with him, whenever they arrived at a meeting too early. She had once felt happy that she was one of the few faculty that the acerbic man even conversed with.

Now though, she barely ever heard him speak, save for the pre-meal addresses. Half-way down the stairwell, she heard a student cry out, and the ever familiar guffaw of Amycus Carrow. She raced down the last half flight and out into the corridor, wand at the ready. She had heard an Oomph! But was surprised to see who it came from.

There stood the Headmaster--Severus--with his own wand pressed against Carrow’s throat. The student, a first year, was cowering against the wall. She couldn’t help but gasp and try to contain her fury at the Death Eater picking on a first year for Merlin's sake!

“Aurora!” She looked at Severus but his eyes were still trained on Carrow. “Please escort Mr. Willarby to the infirmary. I shall take care of this.”

She helped the young boy up but did not walk away. The anger she had changed to confusion but before she could voice it he spoke again. It was a list of stars and constellations that went over Carrow’s head but she understood. Aurora gave a quick glare towards Amycus before leading the boy out of harm’s way.

In an hour she hoped she would find answers. In an hour she hoped it was Severus she would meet.

Five Times Remus Broke Something and the One Time He Didn't
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character/Pairing: Remus Gen
Notes: 319 words. Long time ago in a galaxy far away, did the five things meme. This can be regarded as canon compliant, though you know who I'd choose for him at the end. XD

The first time Remus broke something, it was his mother's vase when he was only three years old. They patted his head, saying it was all right and as long as he wasn’t hurt was what mattered. He thought he could do no wrong.

The second time he broke something was when he stayed out past his curfew at age six. He never thought that just a few more minutes would cost him his humanity. He wanted to never again break the rules.

Remus was a good boy untill he became friends with ones who always believed they could do no wrong. He never necessarily did break the rules, only bent them. But he did feel he broke his vows of the Prefect for failing to help the Slytherin that his friends loved to pick on. He hoped one day he could make it up to him.

When Remus returned to his quarters two days after that fateful full moon, he broke everything in sight. He couldn’t believe his friend would break his trust like that and call it a prank. Later when Lily tended to his bruised knuckles, coming down to the common room to leave his ‘mates’ to clean it up, he realized what kind of harm he could have done.

He hadn’t known at the time, but he had broken his mates’ hearts when they found him ‘cavorting with the enemy.’ Thinking he had betrayed them, he was left out of the last part of their lives, all because he finally had the courage to ask for Severus’ forgiveness one night. He learned then how fickle the wrong friends could be.

Years later, after all the broken hearts, promises, rules, and bones, Remus was able to succeed in keeping one thing unbroken. It was his love and loyalty to one person, the one he married, lived and died with. And really, that was all that mattered.

For osmalic, Five things Haruhi's dad bought for Haruhi from his bonus from work
Fandom: Ouran Host Club
Character/Pairing: Haruhi, Haruhi's dad, Tamaki/Haruhi
Notes: Long time ago in a galaxy far away, did the five things meme. For info on festivals mentioned, wiki here. I also cheated a bit from the original request. XD

Haruhi's father would use every bonus check he could to spoil his young daughter much to her dismay. Her mother would tsk at him before joining in on the spoiling. After, Haruhi tried her best to take care of the money but she couldn't watch him all the time. After she turned seven, her father used Shichi-Go-San as excuse to buy her a new kimono and more "thousand year candy" than either of them could ever eat. She found she didn't mind at all that time.

At the very tender age of eleven, Haruhi had asked for a nearly impossible wish for Tanabata. She didn't mind if it didn't come true, as long as Vega and Altair were able to meet in the night sky. So the very next day she was surprised with one day passes to Tokyo Disneyland. She had the best time of her very young life with her father. It took both a bonus and regular check to compensate for that day. Every year after, Haruhi made sure to wish for sensible things.

When Haruhi was accepted into Ouran High, she anticipated what her father would spend his bonus on. After weeks went by with no such thing, she hoped he finally learned his lesson. After her fateful first day in Ouran, she came home exhausted. She knew she had probably missed her father leaving for work by only a few minutes so she expected an empty home when she entered. To her surprise, on the shared table was a full course meal that seemed to still be warm. And in the center of it was a small teddy bear with a sign that said "Congrats! You Survived the First Day!" She hugged the bear tightly, glad her father hadn't learned yet.

When she began receiving frivolous gifts (mostly as some were practical) from her new Host family, more and more of her father's bonuses went into savings. A part of her was glad that her father was finally being more responsible but a small part (which she'd never admit) was sad not to see a frivolous but thoughtful gift waiting for her when she came home. She would go to her bear and idly wondered if this is what it meant to grow up.

Despite Tamaki and the others promising all would be paid for (save Kyoya, he simply deducted from her bill), there was one thing Haruhi's father insisted on paying for himself. The original was lost for without her father's knowledge at the time, her mother had sold it when they had fallen on hard times for a while. Her father, being the okama he was, redesigned the dress (small modifications to best suit his daughter) and had it custom-made with the finest materials he could afford with the saved bonus checks. Being able to walk down the aisle with her father in a wedding gown he designed (for both ladies he had loved in his life), and making her feel the presence of her mother, was the happiest bonus check gift she could ever receive.

For dungeons_master, Five things Severus does after waking up before starting his working day!
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character/Pairing: Severus-Centric, Snape/Lupin
Notes: Long time ago in a galaxy far away, did the five things meme. Eee, hope you like d_m. It's... different... XD

Every day, before, between, and after wars, Severus would wake up with the same thoughts: I’m alive still? Bloody hell, not another day of this shite.The shite in question usually having to do with either dark lords, students, or dunderheads in general. Everything else he did before the day could begin, had a pattern, never wavering.

It was a hard habit to break, even after he was assured that the dark lord was truly and finally dead, but he would check his arm as soon as he sat up. In the early years it used to be angry and red, during the brunt of it, a seering black memory, and after, a pale mess of scars. Some reason, seeing it would calm him, remind him of who he was and what he had done. It was a bleak outlook on life but he was used to it.

Coffee. He swears he can do nothing without having coffee for he knows something will come up before making it to breakfast. No one should ever dare cross his path if he ever failed to have some liquid fortitude before leaving his quarters. That is, if he could make it out in the proper state.

Despite all rumors to the contrary, rarely did Severus start his day with out a shower, or if time permited, a bath. But time rarely ever permited. His hair was a genetic defect, he believed, from his father, and after years of potion fumes, he could never get his teeth truly white. Even if it had been a normal school day, he only felt clean of his past since after the water rinsed everything else away.

A tried and true pattern he held till he finally let Remus Lupin in his life. When that happened, everything changed. No longer did he wake up to the same mantra, it changing to a Dear lord, this wasn’t all a dream? Instead. His habit of arm gazing took a while to change but it did, along with a few other habits he used to do.

Oh, he still bathed of course, though not alone, and the coffee was probably an addiction he could never be free of. Remus conceded since he would never give up on his love of chocolate.

What truly changed was Severus wouldn't wake up to an empty bed anymore. Beside him was his mate, a glorious sight to behold, even if he would never admit it aloud. No longer he needed to remind himself of his past crimes. Now, all he had to do was look into Remus’ eyes and know, he did the best he could, and he was loved. He would grin at the other man and then made sure one of them was properly shagged before they got out of bed. He claimed he wouldn’t be able to work unless they did so every morning. Remus never once complained.

For karasu_hime, The five things Remus Lupin said or did to win Severus' love
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character/Pairing: Snupin
Notes: Long time ago in a galaxy far away, did the five things meme.

The first time Remus tried win to Severus’ love, they both were only twelve years old. Severus was having a rather hard time in Care of Magical Creatures. Being Slytherin, Remus knew Severus couldn’t admit not having been exposed to before of doxies and pixies and pesky gnomes. He offered his help one afternoon, having found Severus alone by the lake. The darked haired boy looked skeptical at first but did concede to a few tutoring sessions in exchange for potions help. It wasn’t a resounding success, but kept the young werewolf hopeful.

The second time Remus tried to win Severus’ love happened over a decade later. It was by chance that Remus had bumped into a very drunk Severus at a muggle club one night. He was in no state to return to Hogwarts, so Remus took him to his flat and tended to him for the rest of the night. The next day Remus woke to find the man gone. The bed had been made on on top of the pillow was a note with a hastily scrawled ‘Thank you’ on it. Remus keeps it on him always.

As such the way life is, the third time took much longer than a decade to occur. Remus used every chance during his short tenure as a teacher to get Severus to give him the light of day. Subtle glances at the dinner table, lingering touches when passing by, even double entendres whenever Severus came by to give him the Wolfsbane. Remus thought he was finally getting through to Severus but it all changed when Peter appeared from the dead.

Remus had desperately hoped every time he honestly defended Severus, either to the other Order members, Sirius or even poor misguided Harry, that maybe the other man would finally see. Never once did it occur to him it’d be a futile attempt. Oddly enough, when he provided a cover for Nymphadora and her child did he see Severus react in any way towards him. Maybe when the war’s over, he hoped to try again.

When Remus later woke up in the infirmary after Voldemort's defeat (Dora was already out by then), he realized it was now or never. This final attempt had finally done it. Against the protests of the mediwitches, Remus Lupin stalked out of his room and located Severus’, pushing away with ease the Aurors guarding the man’s door. Seeing Severus’ weak form almost gave Remus pause. Almost.

“Severus, you daft man! I don’t care if you hate me but I love you damn it! After all this, you can’t dare deny it.”

Remus went and leaned over Severus, who had opened his eyes when the other entered. Severus even had the gall to raise an eyebrow out him before Remus kissed him hard. Although Severus had noted all prior attempts, he would always tease his lover that it was that declaration that finally won him over.

Okay I lied, only one was not Harry Potter. XD

!fanfic, fandom: ouran host club, fic type: drabble, fandom: !meme, writerly: writing, pairing: lupin/snape, fandom: harry potter

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