Anything with a postcode.

Apr 21, 2010 07:21

Somewhere within the last week or so, I found out that John Barrowman had recorded his delightful filk song, The Doctor and I in a studio and released it on an album. So I went searching for it. The only trouble was, it appears to have been an iTunes exclusive track. Grr. At any rate, while searching, I made a swing through Amazon, and Amazon noticed. So this morning, while checking email, I find one from that is full of recommendations, and all of them are John Barrowman albums.

This amuses me. I may have to give in and purchase an album or two, though I don't know if it'll be from Amazon. *shrugs* At any rate, tasty email.

filk, :), things i love, random, timelord, computer, music

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