Mar 16, 2010 22:50
Ug. I have all my bedding, save for my down comforter, in the wash because my cat decided she was mad at me, and pissed on the bed. The down comforter is only not in the wash because I know I need to get it dry cleaned instead, so it is currently sitting in a large garbage bag, waiting to go out to the car in the morning with the box for my laptop, which showed up about three weeks after I called Toshiba about the issue.
So tomorrow, I get to find a UPS store to ship out my laptop, after making a copy of the letter being shipped with my laptop to Toshiba. Then I get to find myself a dry cleaner that hopefully won't bend me over to clean cat piss out of my comforter. I think the reason Carmen's mad at me was because she was trying to be inside the laptop box once I'd packed the laptop already, and she was trying to sit right on top of the form when I was filling it out and writing my letter on the back. Grr.
And since I got maybe five hours sleep Sunday night, six and a half Monday night, I was hoping to get between seven and eight tonight... but I just got my bedding into the wash, and so I gotta at least get it partially dried tonight before going to sleep and remember to get it finished in the morning before I leave, so I don't get bitched at for occupying the dryer tomorrow... as my luck would have it, the second time in the last year I've had reason to leave something in the dryer overnight, will likely be the day that Mom and her boyfriend will have need for the washer and dryer during the day.