Feb 19, 2008 20:42
For the first time since I signed up for cell service in my own name, three years ago now, I have not gone over my minutes for the month. I have a plan with 600 "whenever" minutes, and then unlimited nights and weekends. I used to live on the night and weekend minutes, everyone I talked to was available to talk to me during the night and weekend hours. Since then, more and more of my friends have given in and become day people. So I get my phone calls to talk to people during the day mostly now. Also, the cell phone is my *only* phone, so I get work related calls there too.
I'm currently 22 minutes over, and at forty cents a minute on overage, that's already added up to $8.80. Also, there's going to be the taxes on that too. I've also noticed I haven't been using my text messages as much as I used to. I also need to call my dad and see what he wants. Apparently he swung by the house on Sunday, and was a bit of a stupid ass. It didn't occur to him to call first, nor did it occur to him that I'd be working because I have a retail job again. I was planning on calling him while he was at work, as a kind of a turn around on this jackassery, but now that plans shot. I have to call him on the weekend, or I have to wait until after 9pm to call.
I probably shouldn't be so shitty, since he apparently wants to just wish me well for Valentine's day (stupid artificial holiday) and give me something. However I still haven't gotten over all the stupidity and crap he put me through growing up, so I like to keep my distance. My mother swings back and forth between "yeah, he's a jerk" and "he's your father, you really shouldn't just ignore him". Meh. He is one of the factors that inclined me towards moving across the gorram country when I was considering doing such. I figured it would be nice to have the whole of the united states between me and him, and require him to spend significant amounts of money to come see me, or spend that same money for me to come see him (money to visit really wasn't expected to be available anywhere in the short term).
In other news, I upgraded the KDE, and kicker doesn't seem to be giving me trouble anymore. Also, I found there was a package available to try out the Firefox 3 beta, and I'm happy to report that Gmail doesn't seem to stupidmotherfucker it. The sad news is that my favoritest theme in the world, Pinball, is no longer developed, so I have to find something not ugly and also tiny, to use instead. *sigh* Also, most of the plugs I use daily are not available on Firefox 3 yet. At least NoScript is good to go, and editCSS. It'd be nice if the gmail plugin was shiny though.