Aug 03, 2006 00:22
Let me start by saying frames are the devil. I am ashamed to have sunk to this level, but I was going crazy since I haven't had my own computer hooked to the internets for over a month now. Frames still are evil, but they're an evil like having to use IE on the computers at work since Radio Scrap is too damn stupid to realize that IE is a security risk of the highest sort. Frames really aren't good for practical web design, but they can be made use of when the need is great, and it is something the public really doesn't need to see.
So, I set up a sub domain that is a frameset. The top frame is skinny, and nothing more than a series of links to places I frequently visit, like gmail, lj and such. There's also a link to my archived copy of my bookmarks from my firefox. Due to my use of folders and such, and the way I organized the links, trying to work off the bookmark page for all my day to day links was annoying, so I whipped up the frameset instead. It takes a little space at the top of the window, but it makes things a little easier. Woo.
Also, I am annoyed with the TextEdit on the iLamp here. I thought macs were better than windows, but that program is making me doubt. I typed up my html in the program, and went to save. I saw there was an option for html, and given it was a text editor, though that it would simply let me give the file an html filetype and use what I typed. Damn thing went and took what I'd typed and presented it on a page it baked up for me. Meh. I had thought that the mac program would be above the save as a text file, then change .txt to .html (or .php or whatever) game that windows makes me play. I had thought wrong. Meh. I'll be happy when we work out the networking for my computer, and I can use her again regularly. Give me my emacs and my gaim, and all will be well. ^_^