NAME Diamond Girl
SECRET ID Alara Lynn
=== Characteristics
18 STR 10 x1 8
23 DEX 10 x3 39
18 CON 10 x2 16
18 BODY 10 x2 16
13 INT 10 x1 3
18 EGO 10 x2 16
18 PRE 10 x1 8
24 COM 10 x1/2 6
15 PD (STR/5) x1 11
15 ED (CON/5) x1 11
6 SPD 1+(DEX/10) x10 27
15 REC (STR/5)+(CON/5) x2 14
60 END (CONx2) x1/2 12
50 STUN BODY+(STR/2) x1 14
=== Powers
18 Armor 6 PD / 6 ED | -1 Does Not Protect Torso
20 Flight 20" | +1/4 Reduced END (4)
| -1 Focus: Skateboard (Obvious, Accessible)
| -1/4 Only in Contact w/ Surface
| -1/4 Maximum Height 3" after leaving ground
12 HKA 1d6 | +1/2 Ranged
| +1/4 Autofire
| -1 Focus: Diamond Daggers (Obvious, Accessible)
| -1/4 Charges: 6 (Recoverable)
7 Images | Sight Group 10
| +1/2 Reduced END (0)
| -1/4 Focus: LCD Coat (Inobvious, Inaccessible)
| -1/2 Self Only
| -1/4 Burnout: 14-
20 Running 10" |
14 Telekinesis | 16 STR
| +1/2 Reduced END (0)
| -1/4 Affects Whole Object
| -1/4 Only Works on Metal Objects
| -1 Focus: Magnetic Harpoon (Obvious, Accessible)
=== Skills / Perks / Talents
3 Acrobatics 14-
3 Breakfall 14-
3 Combat Driving: Skateboard 14-
3 Combat Skill Level: +1 w/ Kung Fu
3 Electronics 13-
2 Knowledge: Courier Savvy 11-
2 Knowledge: Kung Fu 11-
2 Knowledge: San Francisco 11-
23 Martial Arts: Kung Fu
4 Block : +2 OCV, +2 DCV
4 Disarm : -1 OCV, +1 DCV
5 Kick : -2 OCV, +1 DCV (8d6 Strike)
3 Legsweep: +2 OCV, -1 DCV (5d6 Strike, Target Falls)
4 Punch : +0 OCV, +2 DCV (6d6 Strike)
3 Throw : +0 OCV, +1 DCV (4d6 + Velocity/5, Target Falls)
2 Money: Well Off ($200K/year)
3 Paramedics 13-
3 Security Systems 13-
3 Seduction 13-
3 Streetwise 13-
1 Transport Familiarity: Skateboard
9 Ambidexterity (Total: No Off Hand Penalty)
=== Disadvantages
15 Social: Secret Identity
5 Distinctive Features: Purple Hair
15 Psychological: Nymphomania (Common, Strong)
15 Psychological: Thrillseeker (Common, Strong)
10 Watched: Parents (As Powerful, Extensive NCI, 11-)
=== Background
Alara Lynn is the daughter of a prominent corporate CEO. She received little of her parents' time, attention, or love, except in the form of material possessions and status symbols. By the time she was 18, she knew she wanted something different in life, and started by dyeing her hair purple.
Alara is currently a skateboard courier, though she never lets her friends know she's got a trust fund and is relatively well off (far better than most of them). She has found a life filled with excitement and the occasional touch of danger, all of which makes her childhood seem like it belongs to someone else.
Her sideline as a superhero began when she came across a woman getting mugged; she ran down the woman's assailant, who turned out to be a repeat-offense assault and carjacking suspect wanted on suspicion of murder. (He was later convicted and is currently serving 50+ in San Quentin.)
Base 300
Disadvantages 60
Characteristics 201
Skills 68
Powers 91