Jul 26, 2004 23:42
Me take care me beeeelly button
Me like to keep it nice and clean
If me neglet me beeelly button
then it grows of fungus green
Some ppl they have an outty
higher than she astrodome
some ppl they have an inner
deeper than the grande canyon
and I forget the rest but it's a great song. But yah I got my button periced today at Little Joe's tattoo parlor. That needle was HUGE! then I helped my bro w/ his senrior pictures for 3 hrs and then starbucks. And then home to chat w/ stu on the phone about b-fast and walks then online and shower and book and drawing and online the to bed then read then sleep. Tommorrows gunna be packed, but it should be muchos funos!15 days till hell starts again *pouts in a dark corner* BUUUT5 days til MONTREAT!!