Jan 03, 2006 01:03
I think I should explain my new years resoultion to keep writing in this thing, on a somewhat regular basis. Because, it does seem rather pointless of a resoultion in itself, as in, it provides amibiguous signs of self amelioration, unlike the other two, which are pretty obvious on how they'd help me out.
So anyway, when I said that I'd write in this weekly, I wanted to use it somewhat as regulatory and self-improvement tools. For one, having consistency, such as updating this thing, keeps me in a nice little groove / pace / routine / whatever, so that I might not fall into super lack of self-discipline, which is the current situation... or at least is creeping on the horizon.
Also, I used to keep a journal back in high school that when I'd read I would both think I was an utter idiot, and hilarious at the same time. For some reason, I naturally will leave retarded stuff when I write that probably only I would get. It's like a treasure chest to myself, as long as I read it over. I don't even do it conciously. Just going over old notebooks usually makes me smile.
From the narcississtic point of view also, I think I'm a halfway decent writer. Writing regularly will help me write better (duh). I don't have my good old high school essays like I constantly was bombarded with, and believe it or not, IT doesn't have very many essays. Also, I come up with a lot of ideas that seem so great in my mind, and I never really develop them into thoughts.
Just for example, I always wanted to write a book, or more ideally short stories, about some of these topics:
A 3 life society. A story consisting of a culture that will in essence, live 3 approximately 25-year span lifetimes. However, if they are conventionally killed, they can regenerate by being forced into their next life cycle. There would be info about how this is considered a very religious process, but science discovered a way to force a 4th life cycle / the moral consequences of it. As well, put in elements of prejudice based on which life cycle your are currently living in.
Another one is about a person who retains the memory of his prior life, from birth. And sees exactly how by changing his actions he changes the present / manipulates things to his advantage. Seems so much weaker when I write it down, lol.
An example of something I semi-developed was my story about the psychic boy, that was pretty cool too, but my interest dropped off pretty quick.
I have so many more ideas that run through my head that in my lazy state of being I never write down. Shitloads had potential too. I mean, I just think of them when I'm in the car, shower, or on the can, but don't do anything cool with them.
I like to explore my ideas too, the ones that run through my head, so that I can better explain them to people in person. It's annoying to think about ideas and not write them down to me, for I don't truly think entirely in words, but rather in concepts and images. It's hard to explain how I think, but needless to say it is a decent percentage of the time not in english words. And writing out my ideas really helps me articulate them to other people.
Just for example, I always have pondered why music is so prevolent in our society, from an evolutionary sense. If you believe in evolution, and survival of the fittest, and that the best traits of a creature will allow for its continued prevelance / domination / existence (I can't think of the word I'm looking for) what on earth made music so damn appealling to humans? It's world wide too... there isn't a single culture that does not involve some form of music. And, I'm pretty sure, it is not a necessity to survive in the least. It's not like cavemen had to do love sonnatas to their wives to procreate. Music, seems to be just a method of manipulating and controlling emtions. If you think about it, music has a very deep emotional impact, in fact, I'm pretty sure it's the only way it really affects us. How did this come to be? Sure, I have my theories on this, but I don't want to delve into them right now.
Its thoughts like these that tease my mind, leaving undeveloped concepts pointing in the direction of pretty powerful and potentially great ideas. But, I succumb to shear laziness time and time again. So, by pretty much getting myself unlazified, I hope to bring some of this stuff to life--not just recap my day/week/whatever. Although, I'm sure the commentary, sarcasm, and humor I would launch on shit like that would far exceed the more serious ideas I mention before. Maybe I'll do that too then, we'll just have to wait and see how this all plays out.
P.S. I fucking hate the cold. Die Snow Die. I can't wait to get away from this hell. Yes, Hell, in my mind the worst possible existence would be a perpetually frozen, cold, and stagnant hell, not the dynamics of a hot hell. Dante's Inferno agreed with me on that point, but that's just a trivial added note.