Nov 06, 2005 23:01
I have never in my life felt like this, and it is rather strange. Throughout my whole life, I felt like I would actively pursue girls, time and time again. It would be really easy to just talk to them, like them, and I would get really attached. Girls were always on my mind, and I was always looking for more. When I was with one, I was ecstatic, when I wasn't, I was probably still smiling :), but wanting one. It's so strange right now how apathetic I feel towards this.
I have been feeling this way since the last time I got my heart torn out. No biggie there, but I never really rebounded. I mean, I'm perfectly content right now with life, and have been having a shitload of fun, but my desire to chase after women right now is remarkably low. I mean, it's weird, I do have a couple options right now, but instead I'm going for none. I think somehow I need to make an emotional connection with someone first now, rather than a physical. I really can't just take a pretty face.
I'm really curious if this is just a phase or my whole life is going to be like this. I feel like it's a much safer approach. I think in part this has to do with the fact that I can honestly say though that right now I'm not afraid of being alone at all. A girl would only be an enhancement, not the core of my life. It makes me wonder if that simple fear has been my entire motivation throughout these years. Scary.
I have a slight headache and a massive pile of work I’m going to do now. Weee…
If anyone wants to talk to me about this, consider it to be an open conversation. I’d love to hear some input.