* has it really been that long? *

May 21, 2004 13:24

ok, so i was not only like 30 min late for work already when i left my house this mornin.. but the train at my station took FOREVURRRR to make a pick up! ok fine, maybe not FOREVURRR.. but it took like 15 minutes! and 3 trains on the opposite side of the tracks had passed already! so ok.. i tried to keep my cool by the time the train dude got there, so i was waitin patiently in line, and even let granny and pops cut in front of me and some lady.. and jis when i was waiting for the lady to get in front of my to get on i was jis about to life my foot on the train when THE GODDAMN DOORS SHUT IN FRONT OF MY FUCKIN FACE!!!! *AARRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHSILNHV;DRVSDLFJGV;SDLKJG ,;ADFN!!!!!! *

*sigh*.. breaaathe.. 1.. 2... 3.. 4.. *deep breathe*.. okieee.. so anyway, after almost kickin the door and refraining VERY HARD from screamin obscenities and giving everyone the finger... i jis stepped back and put on the biggest fake ass smile to try to calm myself down.... then i started to think, was it the conductor's revenge to shut me out? all cuz i gave him a nasty look for being late as he passed me on the tracks? hmmm.. *grr*

*deep breathe*... *exxhhaalleee*.. okieee.. so.. luckily the gods let the rest of my day go smoothly, or else i probably woulda walled out if someone tried to pull somethin on me..


congrats to a special friend who was accepted to a broadcasting conglomurate... not exactly my choice of career but i'm happy for her.. so hows that?? who will bug me now?? who will buzz me in ym demanding i talk to her?? who will wake me up when the big boss is coming around the corner?? who will make me join them unwillingly to eat merienda?? what will happen to meeeee??

well it's okie i guess.. i don't plan on sticking around here much longer...

yes my friends, i guess this is where to reveal my long awaited decision and let the speed of mouth come back to me asking questions... i'm planning on leaving next year *gasp!*...

yes, yes, i know it's sad, but i must. where? i'm not sure yet.. but it's either 1 of 2 places.. africa *ha? you react* or back to my beloved hometown of new york..

i'll let you all know as soon as my thoughts come together..

TGIF: truth gently intensifies friendships
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