Feb 04, 2007 23:25
So, my first semester senior year report card came. One more report card from HHS left and I'm done with them forever!
As usual... I will share.
Contemporary Communication Arts (12)
Exam Grade: A
Final Grade: A-
Comments: Class Requirements Have Been Modified (Duh... it's EBD)
Challenges Conventional Thinking On Variety of Issues (WTF is she talking about? By the way there are spelling errors on this report card of mine...)
Exam Grade: D (That's so not fair because the substitute left when the original teacher came back from her maternity leave obviously, and the original teacher graded my exam. I miss Kurt, the substitute! I didn't think very highly of the original teacher, Misti.)
Final Grade: B
Comments: Commendable Effort
Is Extremely Conscientious (Again... WTF?)
Exam Grade: A
Final Grade: B
Comments: Developing Higher Level Thinking & Reading Skills (Okay, um, whatever...)
Commendable Effort
Final Grade: C+
Comments: Class Requirements Have Been Modified
Accommodations Made To Meet Individual Needs
(Basically, that is how I passed the class--the adaptations made. I did, after all, spend 6 weeks doing nothing.)
G.P.A. for the semester: 3.000 (Sweeet.)
Cumulative G.P.A.: 2.497 (Grrr...)
Class Rank: 184/305 (60th Percentile-ish)
Obviously, my thoughts and responses are in the parentheses...
Until next time...