
Apr 11, 2006 13:01

So it's starting to warm up (Barley... stupid Michigan!)
And I adore summer...
except for one thing.

Bee's and wasps and all their icky family.
It's honestly a phobia.
The whole "ignore them" thing just doesn't work for me and leads to a pratical panic attack

So I remember someone I knew making bee traps out of those cheap plastic planters by flipping them upside down and attaching them to the circle bottoms they sit on. But I have no idea how :)

I have found one tutorial for one, made with a plastic bottle.
But I'd like some diffrent options.

So if any of you have ANY idea what I'm talking about
and know where there's another tutorial or happen to know yourself how to make one.

Let me know? :)

<3 Thank you so much!

Edit - So I have another question. I realize you drill or poke holes in whatever you use to make it... but how do they not get out through the same hole? ... I don't get it.


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